Blogger Blogger Short and Stout; Find Your Head and Pull it out...
Come ON, man... |
Blogger appears to be having some issues with commenting, in that some of my posts don't have a comments LINK, and won't let me choose a profile in order to POST a comment on other blogger's sites.
I am SURE that I would have gone viral by now if only it weren't for Blogger.
Yeah..that's it.
This is the new and improved blogger, over the new and improved from two weeks ago. Who do I need to bitch slap?
I have been having terrible difficulty w/blogger comments on every single blogger blog when the comment form is not a pop out (bless you for having a pop out comment window). It's making me even nuttier than usual.
thank for this blog
Thank you, that’s very interesting information. I need to share with my friends.
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