I am like a child when it comes to making excuses to do things I think are mundane. I swear, I would clean my andirons right now to avoid a specific project that needs me (and I need it!), if only I had a fireplace.
In case you HAVE andirons...
Others would push on through and get it done, but oh no...not me. I will instead do a little thing my Mom calls "Rosemary-ing", after a dear friend. I will start one project, then see something shiny that draws me to another project I have needed to consider for oh, about a year. Then, a butterfly will fly by and I will leave the second project to address something on the third. I will walk past project #1, en route to get a hammer and some duct tape for project #3 and stop for a moment to consider an aspect of #1 again. Sometimes I will stop and tinker with it, and then think "I had better put something out for dinner..".
I know what you are thinking. Yes, I do. You are seeing my mini projects all over the house, and wondering if my house really looks like the photo of hoarding I posted on an earlier entry to the blog. It doesn't. I will efficiently finish the projects, even late into the night. But only to avoid the thing I really ought to be doing. That can wait until tomorrow. Sigh.
I am sooo this person. I hope my Mister reads this one because he makes fun of me on a regular basis and our youngest crabby apple is the same way. I've heard you call it Rosemary'ing, but never realized it was after someone. Love it!
"I don't have ADD...OH LOOK, a bunny rabbit!!!"
Uh oh- we have the same syndrome. :)
This is the reason I have to be a hostage at my office rather than work from home. I'm like a goldfish distracted by shiny objects.
I think some event occurs when we are in the process of birthing children that renders mothers fraught with ADD because I do the same thing! I find myself realizing what I'm doing and say "For the love of God FOCUS!" and determinedly march back to the original project only to wander away all over.... SIGH!
I LOVE having a verb for my flighty syndrome! Rosemarying.
Know what else I love? Being able to comment again!! Hoooooooray! Your experience with CommentLuv frightened me enough to never try it. Maybe CommentLuv only belongs on the world of Wordpress.
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